June 24, 2020
Dear Buckeye Families and Friends,
Based on the news stories that began to circulate this week, claiming that the governor and legislature have struck a budget deal, it looks like our community letter writing campaign may have worked! https://edsource.org/2020/newsom-reaches-agreement-with-california-legislature-on-state-budget/634266 If the leaked details appearing in the news are true, then we may not be losing the expected funding this year! Thanks to our proactive community, and years of careful budget planning by our BUSD Superintendent and Board, Buckeye schools may now be able to weather the first year of this storm unharmed. We have yet to see the budget document, but it sounds like what we were hoping for - more CARES funding, and a restoration of our former funding (via deferrals), which would be SUCH a huge relief for our schools!! Stay tuned! We will keep you updated as we learn more about how this may affect our schools. Meanwhile, we will keep working hard to build our schools' safety net. This sudden recession is far from over, and we will stand by our schools throughout its duration, doing as much as we can to protect our schools. Well done BUSD community! Our actions are making a difference!!
Melissa Keyzer
Buckeye Education Foundation President